Family survivor member Bonnie Gallegos asked if anyone knows or knew John William Bell pictured above. He was a good friend of her brother Robert Dwain Arnold who was KIA in 1966. She believes he lived in Pennsylvania in 1966. If anyone knows anything on William Bell please contact Bonnie at:
John William Bell
On USS Monticello 1966
I have an inquiry from a Marine that served with H&S 2/3 and assigned to Comm. The question he has, does anyone remember Bravo’s lines being probed on or about December 26th 1967? and he being wounded? He mentioned being sent to help repair a problem that Gun #2 Grim Reaper was having with comm. He was wounded during the probe, see Dec 26 on attachment.
He already is 100% T&P and has a Purple Heart from a previous wound, this is only a request to update his ribbons to leave his grand children after he is gone . When he submits his med file he would like a note from a Brother Marine that yes we had a probe After Midnight Christmas 1967 to help modify my DD-214 to a DD-21
His name is: Milton Houch.
Chesty says:
Life Liberty and the pursuit of anyone who threatens it.
This page was last updated: December 12, 2016
Dear Mr. Marquis,
I have a question for you and/or any other members who might be able to help. Do you remember Robert L. Patterson? I believe he was a PFC. By the time I knew him, he went by "Pat." He was a cherished friend of my family and as he passed away a few years ago, I'm looking for anyone who may have served with him who may have photos or memories to share.
Thank you, and thank you for your service.
Aevan Gibson

I had the great honor of meeting several of you in DC with my 2 sons. I am the son of Cecil Diamond who served with you in 65 and 66 as a Communications Corporal in Vietnam. He was killed in 1998 in a car accident by a young man high on drugs.
If it is not too much to ask I would love to hear from those of you that knew dad. I spent very little time with him growing up and then we lost him early. But I got to know him well enough to cherish and respect him and simply would like to learn more and get to know others who knew him in the Marines.
Please feel free reply to this email directly to me and we can set up time to chat.
Thank you each and every one for your contribution to making our world a better and safer place by your sacrifice.
Dave Diamond
Trying to hook a Marine Gunner up with any Marines who were tunnel rats in Vietnam. If they are willing to talk, have the reach out to me on this email.
Annette Amerman
Branch Head and Historian
Historical Reference Branch
Marine Corps History Division
Office: 703.432.4893