(1894- 1974 ). W•ampsmtt, Mass. Actor
First to win three academy awards as best supporting actor, Walter Brennan appeared in 186 films, five TV movies and three T\' series between 1929 and
1974. He has been called the most successful and familiar character actor of American sound films.
As an enlisted man in C Battery, totst Field Artillery Regt., 26th Inf. Div., Brennan was in France from November 1917 until April 1919. His division fought in four major offensives with Battery C engaged at St. i~iihiel ~ and Verdun, among other battles.
One of Brennan's most memorable roles was in Sarqeant York- (1941). On TV, he is best remembered for playing "Grandpa Amos" in The Real V IcCot•s (1957-1963).
ROBERT R. McCORMICK (1880-1955). Chicago, Ill. Editor C Publisher
One of the giants of journalism, Robert ivlcCormick influenced public opinion for five decades. He made the Chicago Tribune the largest circulation newspaper in the Midwest and the world leader in ad revenues, and he pioneered "vertical integration" in publishing. He championed the cause of a free press during his entire career. Some say he invented the modern newspaper and shaped the political times.
Commanding two batteries of the 5th Field Artillery Regt, ist Inf. Div. and later the 122nd FA Regt. (33rd Div., Illinois N.G.), McCormick served in France from July 1917 to August 1918. He fought at IMont Sec, in various other sectors and at Cantigny, where he was knocked unconscious bv a German shell.
Service in the "Big Red One" was a source of lifelong pride. He renamed his estate Cantigny, hosted veterans reunions, helped unemployed vets, provided wheelchairs to the disabled and aided war widows. He was buried in his WW1 uniform.

HARRY S TRUMAN (1884-1972) . Lamar, Mo. 33rd President
Ranked No. 7 (a "near great") among U.S. presidents, Harry S Truman (1945-1952) brought the Pacific war to a swift end in 1945, launched the Truman Doctrine to contain communism, authorized the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, helped establish NATO, presided over the Berlin Airlift, desegregated the armed forces and unified them under a single secretary of defense.
As captain of D Battery, 129th Field Artillery Itegt., ;5th Inf. [iv., he fought in the Vosges Mountains and St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. Truman served in France in April 1 1918.
A biographer wrote, "The decision to go into the Army during WWI was the crucial event in Harry Truman's life:' Truman agreed: "My whole political career is based upon my war service and war associates:" He was a lifetime VFW member.